If there is anything in life that I'm pretty knowledgeable on it would have to be our marvelous beards. Not just because I happen to have a furry face myself, but also because I spend hours upon hours each week researching every given topic, tip and trick in the book in order to provide you with fresh, new and exciting content each day in our blog.
Today, I wanted to discuss a few subjects that every fellow who sports a little facial hair will be able to relate with, so let us begin today's topic at hand, smartly titled 4 Examples That Every Beardsmen Can Relate With...

Let's be honest here for a minute, without that furry face of yours you probably look like a 12 year old child who is yet to experience puberty. It is a common fact that we quickly become rather attached to our new fuzzy images, so much so that the very thought of being without it scares the living daylights out of most of us.
I look like a boy with a large moon face without my facial hair, I kid you not, it isn't all that pretty and nor do I ever intend to take the chop again anytime in the near or distant future. In other words I WILL NEVER SHAVE AGAIN EVER.
You know that fresh faced, vibrant smiley young boy-like man who smiles back at you on your photo I.D? Yeah, you probably look absolutely nothing like that guy anymore So much so that if you were requested to present I.D to an official for one reason or another they might think you were using a fake I.D.
I'm not even kidding here, a year into sprouting out my furry face fuzz I got I'D'd after travelling back to England from Germany by the German border control. I, of course presented my passport to the official, who instantly began to chuckle away to himself. At first I was a little confused as to why he was pretty much laughing at my picture,or even worse in my face, that was until I remembered how I had zero facial hair on my photo, like nothing, not even a little light stubble.
I had to present a second form of I.D which, you guessed it had the EXACT same photo used on my passport. Thankfully my details matched up and they didn't push me to hard for anything further. But if you're in the same boat, it might just be worth updating your photo every once in a while to save yourself a similar fate.
It is a mother's prerogative to display her displeasure on any sudden, rather drastic changes in their son's appearance. From tattoos, piercings to our beloved beards, nothing is safe from a parents scrutiny.
But what mother says usually falls on deaf ears when we reach manhood, and our furry faces continue to grow out loudly and proudly. On the plus side your pals will usually rather dig your newfound furry face forest, some might even be a little envious of your manly appearance too.
At the end of the day those who start out disapproving of our facial hair usually begin to warm to the new look given a little more time. My wife heavily disapproved of my face fur to begin with, as did my Mother and my Brothers. But all that did was make me more determined to continue to grow it even longer, I'm a little strange like that. But I'm now sure they would all agree that they couldn't imagine me without my ginger face whiskers.
Oh yes! The art of learning to eat certain foods all over again! Much like a baby child, there are certain new rules and techniques you have to learn in order to pig out on your favourite foods without wearing them in your beard.
Sticky barbecue ribs, extra cheesy pizza and tasty soups are now a real challenge to enjoy. In the comfort of your own home you can get as up close and personal and as real messy as you please, but when you're out socialising you must take a little extra care. And of course as the saying goes, practice really does make damn perfect.
So, that sees todays beard blog come to a sweet close for my fellow readers. If you have something you'd like to share with us as a possible future blog post topic, or would like to share your thoughts and feedback then please be sure to do so in the comments section below.
And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...
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