Good day my fellow blog readers and furry faced supporters, thank you for stopping by on our page to read our latest blog topic on this cold, winter Monday.
Today let us discuss what you should try and what you should probably best avoided in order to flourish out your marvelous face forest forever more. So let us begins todays blog topic, titled Fool Proof 'Dos And Don'ts' For No Shave November...

This might be a really obvious few words of advice, but taking jolly good care of your facial hair is by far the most important part of proudly sporting and supporting your beard.
Doing so doesn't have to be tricky or at all complicated, and just requires you to comb through your fuzz every now and again, usually once or twice per day depending on your style to help keep those knots and tangles at bay, followed by a generous helping of beard oil and / or balm.
Following that simplistic piece of advice will not steer you far wrong, and will soon lead to epic bearded results that even the vikings themselves will envy.
I find myself often defending this next statement, but... NEVER USE HAIR STRANGERS WITHIN YOUR BEARD!
I've always preached the importance of avoiding to use such devices within your facial hair, and the reason for this being is that these items were never designed with the safe use of your facial hair in mind. So, each time you choose to use your hair straighteners you run a high risk of causing your face fur more harm than good, and could be stripping any natural essential oils and moisture from your beard, as well as running the chances of burning your face. It is also pretty much guaranteed to bite you on the ass later down the line. So, in short, don't do it!
Eating the right balance of great foods and exercising regularly could add that boost you might need to your beard growing game. Foods that are rich in biotin will promote hair growth (and even your finger and toe nails!) and has been proven to help better flourish one's facial hair.
Exercising boosts your natural testosterone levels, which in turn can boost your body's metabolism, as well as the wellbeing of you cheek fuzz in the process. If you work at an office or somewhere similarly less physically demanding try to make time to move as much as possible when you can. For example on your lunch break take a walk instead of chilling in the works canteen, anything to help get that blood pumping for a healthier happier lifestyle.
Here's another controversial talking point, as I am fully aware than many choose to do this, but one point that needs to be made all the same. Much like my previous 'NO GO' tip, using a hair dryer will do you, nor your facial hair any favours. Yes, you may find the short term results you were searching for, but long term you could be contributing to your split ends, dry spots and flakey itchy skin.
Instead of opting in for the hair dryer option, gently towel dry your fuzz, in a patting motion rather than a pulling. This will dry your facial hair well, and won't require you to blast huge waves of hot heat through your whiskers.
So, that sees today's topic come to a sweet end for today my furriends. As always be sure to leave us your thoughts and feedback in the comments section provided below. And if you are participating in 'No Shave November' this year let us know how you are getting on!
And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...