It is often mistaken that if a man is to grow his beard for however long he wishes to grow for, there is little to no need to worry about having a light trim or any real need to help maintain it.
Not only is this information false, but it is also misleading to those who want to sport that 'lumberjack' styled furry face forest. Regardless to what style you are after beard grooming should be an essential part of your day to day routine.
To make your life that little bit easier, today I wanted to give you a little advice on How To Correctly Care For A Long Ever growing Beard...

First and foremost you have to keep everything in check. Starting with those stubbly cheek lines of yours. Make sure you take a little time to trim back any straying hairs and stubble that you might find growing away, as defining a strong cheek line will grant you a sharper image that you are after.
I tend to use the old traditional shave soap and an open razor to achieve this. Of course tread cautiously only taking away a little at a time, as mistakes can be easily made if you rush things here. But a little time and practise and you'll have it sussed in next to no time.
It is very important every now and then to have a light trim off of the length of your facial hair. I know, you are growing your beard, why on earth would you wanna do that, right?
Well, believe it or not having a light trim every so often, as and when it is required actually helps keep your facial hair it top shape, helping remove any split ends, tangles and knots.
Split ends are rather inevitable and look pretty ugly also. If left unattended they can make your face fuzz appear fluffy and thin, as the troubled hair struggles to grow longer, but instead continues to split. So don't dismiss a trip to the beard barbers too harsh next time, you know it makes sense for both you and your fuzz.
Taking good care of your lovely 'stache' heavily depends on how you wish to grow it. For me, I like to allow my mustache to grow thick, full and fierce, although I can't handle it hanging any lower then my upper lip. So what I tend to do is comb forward the hair over my upper lip, then gently trim it away along my lip line.
This doesn't have to be done it one firm snip of the scissors, so take your time when doing so, as you could easily miscalculate and snag your skin here too. Also, make sure you are using a pair of barbershop style scissors and not ones from the kitchen draw, making sure you always use the right tools for the job is your responsibility and yours alone.
Also, never trim your beard right after or during taking a shower. The reason for this being is that your hair appears much longer when it is wet or damp and will appear somewhat shorter once things have dried and settled down. The last thing you'll want to do is take of more length than your first anticipated doing.
Now that all your efforts have been executed it is time to sit back, crack open an ice cold beer (or soft drink, your call) and enjoy the awesome that is your new freshly prepped facial forest. Of course we always recommend you spruce things up a little with a splash of 'TBS' oil and a handy helping of our trusty 'TBS' balms, trust us, your face whiskers will thank you for doing so!
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And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...
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