Beard Blog
Hello and a fine day to all, as we welcome you to today's beard blog, that looks set to be equally as entertaining as the last.As we unfold the pages of today's blog topic we are going to debug some...
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Hello and good day to you all, as we welcome you back to the TBS beard blog!Today I wanted to revisit everyone's favourite read, and guide you 4 tips to grow your beard longer...PUT SIMPLE...LET IT GROW!Ok, granted this might...
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Four black firefighters are filing a federal lawsuit against the FDNY after being put on light duties all because they can't shave based on medical grounds.Reports state that the firefighters suffer from a skin condition caused by shaving, and they...
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Hello and good day to all, and welcome back to the ever-growing beard blog!We all seem to have that one friend who can't muster up much of a beard, no matter how hard he tries, am I right? If you...
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The beard boom remains big business in the year 2018, and shows little to no signs of slowing down anytime soon. It seems every man and his dog has tested out the facial hair life at least once in their...
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