Happy Thursday my fellow beardsmen and beardy blog enthusiasts. Firstly, thank you for stopping by to read our very latest edition of the 'TBS' beard blog. It has been a while since I debugged some of the biggest beard myths on the web, and let's face it, the internet is full of them!
More often than not you'll read some sort of 'furry faced' horror story where our beloved whiskers get slandered in the press, from 'POOP BEARD' to 'BEARDED MEN ARE CHEATS!' , we have certainly had our unfair share of rhubarb nonsense stories now, haven't we!
Today I wanted to revisit this subject as we continue to discuss - 4 Beard Myths That Simply Aren't True...

I often read tails on numerous blog forum pages on the web where some folks believe that if a man's beard has not grown and filled out by the three months mark, then it is likely that it never will. But fear not, as I can categorically confirm this to be complete nonsense.
Every mans beard grows at its very own, rather unique rate, as no two beards are ever the same, and this indeed includes how they grow. Some gents are indeed blessed with the 'furry face' gene and seem to flourish out a manly beard in what seems like a matter of days if not weeks, whereas another may take longer, much longer.
The real key to growing out your facial hair first and foremost is to be real patient. Don't set yourself unrealistic goals, as this only places added pressure at your door and can lead onto cause stress which might actually slow things down even more. Trust me, given plenty of time it will grow.
So, sit back, relax and enjoy your transition to bearded manliness, Brother. It's a rather splendid journey I'm sure most would agree.
You've heard of the term often used called 'clean shaven', right? the wording alone suggest a man with no beard is considered 'clean' maybe insinuating someone with facial hair is considered not to be?
In the early 90's it was said one of the expectations a man was expected to meet for a work interview would be to maintain a 'clean shaven appearance' to set a good first impression to his potential employer..
Thankfully times have indeed changed, and men are no longer overly frowned upon for maintaining facial hair, so long as the company you are with isn't one of the few who banish beards from the workplace, that is.
So, should you shave for your interview? not if you're serious about your beard game, no. Maybe a little tidy up if needed might just do the trick and secure you that job placement though!
As much as social media might like you to believe, not every woman you meet in life will fall at your feet if you happen to have a beard. Yes, most females do dig a man with facial hair, as many surveys and studies have since confirmed. But not every woman you meet will like your beard as much as you do. In fact some may even highly disapprove of it.
But let's be honest, it would be a pretty boring world to live in if we all had the same kinks and likes when it comes to what we like in our potential partners, I quite prefer the idea that some people really dig my face fuzz and some might not, as it takes all sorts to make the world go round, am I right?
All together now... 'OH NO WE'RE NOT!'
Sadly beards do still carry some sort of stigma with many folks considering them as dirt ridden and rather scruffy. Maybe this image sticks from the steoyotyipal image of a 'hobo', or maybe it's the scruffy feeling you get after a bout of illness when you feel all itchy, stubbly and unclean.
Beards can appear scruffy and rather dirty if they are not cared for correctly, much like anything else really. But thankfully following a smart beard care routine doesn't have to be at all complex or tricky to follow. It just requires a solid routine, a good balanced product or two and a little time and dedication, then find what works best for you and your face fuzz and jolly well stick with it!
That sees todays blog come to a close for today me fellow readers and furry faced friends. As always we fully encourage you to get involved and share with us your thoughts and feedback in the comments section below.
And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...
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