Once that marvelous face fuzz of yours reaches a certain length you may begin to notice a few hairs falling out every now and again. This is pretty harmless and happens to the most of us, but let's discuss in a little closer detail what could be causing this to begin in the first place...

First up, don't sweat it Brother. As I previously mentioned these things do, and will happen. It is a natural part of your facial hairs cycle. Old hairs drop out to make room for the newer ones to grow through. If they didn't you would look like a mountain yeti in next to no time. Besides, stressing yourself about things will only make matters worse my Brother.
It has been proven that hair loss within men can be caused by being exposed to high levels of stress and worry.
If you are highly anxious and worrying about things your beard could take the brunt of your stresses. I know many of us do lead pretty hectic lifestyles, but it is just as important to find time for yourself to help you 'relax and smell the roses', as us Brits might say.
Stressing about life will do your health no favours, so find a hobby or two of which you love to do and enjoy doing them. As a child I was obsessed with anything that lived in the ocean. So much so I begged my parents for a pond of my very own to have in my back garden (yes, we call it garden on this side of the pond, see what I did there? pond? ;) )
Unfortunately for me my Dad wasn't all that keen on the idea, and it never happened. Now, I'm all grown and have a family of my own I have recently built myself a koi pond that the entire family can enjoy along with me. There's nothing more tranquil than relaxing to the sound of a water fountain and hungry fish chomping down their food. You should try something similar, if that's also your kinda thing.
So what happens when you comb through your beard and notice a substantial amount of hairs that have been pulled from it? Unless you notice a significant thinning or balding spots don't worry about it, Brother.
Your facial hair will always continue to grow and fill out quickly, it may show signs of slowing in its growth during it's journey from time to time, but it will never completely stop in it's tracks.
That sees todays 'TBS' blog come to a close for now my furriends. If you'd like to suggest a future blog topic or have a burning facial hair related question? Let us have it in the comments section below.
And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...