Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry BEARD-mas!
If you've been a good boy or girl this year you are likely to be waking up to a very special festive delivery from a certain tubby bearded fellow who snuck into your home down your chimney whilst you and your family were peacefully sound asleep. No, there's no need to reach for the pepper spray or call the cops, as we're not talking about the local troublesome burglar trying to rob you of your riches on the quiet. We're talking about everyone's favourite festive fellow, Mr Santa Claus, but if you were to check his birth certificate it would read Old Saint Nicholas. We sure hope that you got everything you ticked onto your Christmas list, and more!
We just wanted to take a second to pause for a moment, which for us feels a little strange as we are always progressively moving forward, to wish each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones. It doesn't seem all that long ago that I was first sat here behind my trusty keyboard sharing my Christmas festivities with you all this time last year. In fact this beard blog marks my (just over by a month or so!) blog anniversary here at 'The Beard Struggle', and what a tremendous journey it has been! Throughout my time here at 'TBS' I have been granted the opportunity to speak with many of our readers and feel I've gotten to know you all that little bit better too. Thanks to each of you who have taken the time to read and support our beard blog and share your beard related stories with us in the comments section. It has been a real joy sharing such moments with you all.
Whatever you might be doing this Christmas, I wish you all the very best and hope you're making memories that are to be treasured with your friends and family. So, we won't keep you any longer as we don't want you to burn your Christmas dinner! So, go carve up the Christmas turkey, dig out the brussel sprouts and splash on some rich tasty gravy and enjoy the feast! And for the unfortunate few (like me!) who received a lump of coal in their Christmas stocking, Bah humbug! here's to next year!
Beard on jolly my Brother, Beard on jolly...