Our Beard Thickener Is Unparalleled
Probably the best Beard Thickener you could ever use is right here on this website.
We’re not kidding. People are calling it “Unparalleled” – and for good reason.
Listen to just a few of the “butt-naked honest” comments we’ve received from our customers, taken from a satisfaction survey we sent out recently…
One customer, known as Sakota, said - ''I love every item in my Ultimate Kit. I have tried a few different companies who have claimed to help growth and soften hairs and this stuff is the only one that has shown real me results. I am definitely using this stuff from now on. Pros? 'TBS' give real results, and they all smell great too. I love that I have something for night time use. Cons? Nothing at all.''
Not only does our 'TBS' range deliver on quality, we also aim to grant the best results possible, often in the fastest timeframe too.
Check out what our Brother Sascha L. had to say in his honest feedback review - ''After just one week of using these products it seems like the Ultimate Kit is the ultimate product for my facial hair. I love the smell of these products. My facial hair now looks healthier and much smoother. And most of all, the itching has gone! Pros? Great smell, visible results within as little as one week for me. Cons? Why did I ever struggle so long without TBS products?''
We ask ourselves the same question.
When we first discovered all the amazing ingredients we now put into every TBS product, we asked WHY weren’t these breakthrough ingredients in OTHER hair-care products on the market?
Why are WE the FIRST to Use Such Amazing Formulas?
The answer surprised us.
Mainly, it’s the cost of the ingredients. Mass-marketed products – like the ones you pick up at the grocery store or the corner drugstore – just don’t cut it. Not even close.
You see, for a product to be successful in a retail store, it needs to be priced at a certain “commercially viable” price point, designed for the public to afford.
But what the “public” doesn’t know is that they’re just wasting their money.
The products you get over-the-counter at your local store will NOT – I repeat, NEVER – possibly give you the results for hair growth like you’ll get from TBS products.
That’s because they simply DON’T CONTAIN the kinds of unique, all-natural, old-fashioned botanicals like we insist on using in every TBS formula.
What’s worse, some products that do contain the “right” ingredients… don’t have the right AMOUNT in them! Thus, they can put it on the label, and fool the public.
But in the actual formula, there’s only a “trace” amount – not enough to actually DO any good.

That’s the difference with TBS products. We put ENOUGH in the formula.
And that’s the key to our success.
Yes, our products cost a little more – but…
Since They WORK, They’re Worth It!
Not that we’re “outrageously” priced, either. Our products are all rather affordable.
BUT… for the “grocery store” market, we would never make it onto the shelves. Our products would never sell. They’d just sit there, waiting. And that’s not how retail survives. They only want products that will sell to “the masses.”
(Funny thing about that term, “the masses”… If you move the “m” over to the left, it becomes “them asses.”)
And that’s why MOST people continue to suffer when they buy the typical “Procter & Gamble” product. They will never get the results they’re after. They’re doomed.
Don’t be one of them!
With TBS products, on the other hand…
You Will ALWAYS See Good Results!
We live or die by the results we bring our customers. Our reviews and repeat orders would not be there if our products didn’t work.
That form of “social proof” is what a good online business is based on these days.
So when you buy from TBS, you know you’re dealing with a company that is positively admired by thousands of loyal fans around the world.
We stand by our products and their ability to actually WORK.
So if they don’t, there is ALWAYS a 100% Money-Back Guarantee of Satisfaction that protects you from any chance of not getting what you want.
If a TBS product doesn’t perform the way we say it will, you get a complete refund of your money – on the spot. No questions asked, no hard feelings either.
Our goal is to give you total satisfaction that comes only from the superior products we offer – again, based on the amazing formulas we started out with and have perfected over time.
Remember: It’s all about what’s going on under the skin.
Your hair growth will be fuller, thicker, and more luxurious ONLY if you address exactly what’s going on at the level of each individual hair.
It’s not about fooling around with the delicate testosterone level in your bloodstream.
It’s not about solving the problem with dangerous pharmaceutical drugs that are so volatile and reactive, pregnant women aren’t ALLOWED to touch them!
(What the heck is IN those pills, anyway?)
The truth is, coaxing new hairs into action – in abundance, not just a few at a time – is a lot like farming or gardening. You need to prepare the ground with various methods, use the proper fertilizer, and keep everything watered and well-nourished.
Your facial hair is the same way. If you properly “go deep” into the underlying sources of hair growth – at the cellular level, far beneath the surface – you can then “raise” hairs and make them grow like wildflowers!
But just like farming or gardening, it means using specific products for each need you might have.
- Patchy spots? We’ve got the answer.
- Need thicker hair? Gotcha covered.
- Stronger hair that never breaks or splits?
- Smoother hair that’s easy to straighten and keep straight?
- Clean-feeling, fresh-smelling hair and skin?
All TBS products are designed to help you with these needs.
Each one works in unison with the others. It’s like having a well-orchestrated, highly-coordinated “TEAM” of products, all joining together for one purpose: Your success!
With TBS, Your Struggles Are Over
Again: You simply won’t get these kinds of results with the mass-marketed, mass-produced products mentioned earlier. Yes, they don’t cost a lot. But that’s because they don’t do a lot. You’re only fooling yourself if you think you can just “Gillette” your way out of these problems you face.
Ask the thousands of TBS customers we’ve served worldwide, and you’ll hear the exact same comments you read at the beginning of this article.
Best of all, you’ll be adding YOUR OWN comments to our “Success Stories” Bulletin Board on instagram and facebook
You won’t have to wait long, either.
Our products work FAST because they work WELL.
After all, it’s only if you try to go around the root cause that you experience disappointment – which you might be suffering now.
TBS products address the cause head-on. And they have the power to literally “force” your body chemistry to give your skin and facial hair what’s REQUIRED for good health and steady, solid, enviable growth.
The Bottom Line?
Your hair will be thicker than it is now. MUCH thicker.
All it takes is time and the dedication to giving your body what it needs.
Again, just like farming or gardening. Put in the time and effort, with all the right ingredients, and you will have a “harvest of hair” to be proud of.
Let’s face it: Growing out your best “man mane” is a goal you set for yourself – like a promise you make to yourself. Only you know why you want it so bad. But you won’t settle for anything less than success.
Once you’ve made that kind of commitment, you’ll want nothing but the best results in return for all the time and effort you put into this goal.
The good news is, when you have TBS products on hand – and you use them properly – only the best can happen!
Regular use of our entire array of products will give you better results than any other product line out there.
We didn’t have to conduct any big “market” tests. Rather, our satisfied customers did it for us.
Each one has already put all the other products to the test already.
They came to us because they were dissatisfied with the rest.
And Guess Which Products Are
TBS, that’s who!
Take a look at the progression of pictures at the right.
You will see a clean-shaven young man, Yutaka T, before he started with our products.
Then, in the next picture, you see him with healthy growth.
But by the last picture, you can see that he is now the proud owner of one badass mane!
You can get the same results with the full line of TBS products.
From our balms and oils to cleansers and conditioners, you’ll be a great-looking AND great-smelling man with a “finished” look you can call your own.
It’s all right here. Right now.
What are you waiting for? For more information visit URL