Having a beard you have probably been labelled with some rather obnoxious titles from complete randomers. The worst I received was I resembled a terrorist with 'that scruffy ginger beard you got!'. Not only do these things really piss me off, but they also stick in your head and for all the wrong reasons. So, today let us discuss 4 Reasons You Should Never Judge A Beard By Its Cover...

Search back in the Greek mythology and you'll soon notice that many of their Gods were packing some rather impressive facial hair. The same applies for the Viking and the Roman era.
In fact, most religious icons have beard, goatees and mustaches. It is believed that facial hair was considered symbolic, and diplsayed a man's strength and god-like abilities. So, not much has changed in that department now, has it? *wink wink*
If you haven't heard of the Bearded Villains let me tell you a little bit about them and the great things they do for charity as well as their local communities, fellow Brothers and family.
The Bearded Villains originated in the United States, from a man known as Von Knox, who wasn't happy with the bad stick facial hair was getting in the press, and heavily disliked the term 'clean shaven' that ultimately suggests beards are seen as dirty and unclean. Knox decided to create a club for men with beards, known as the Bearded Villains.
Since that day forward the club has become known around the world, with many charters in many continents, with all supporting a Brotherhood for the good of man, one that regularly joins forces to help raise funds for various charities, one I , myself am very proud to have been a part of. This continues to help squash the bad reputation beards have in the press, and turn the typical stereotype on its head, and rightfully so.
As a kid I used to find myself unable to sleep for one night a year with the thought of having some old bearded man sneak down my chimney and fill his face with mince pies and milk, then nick off with a carrot or two for his livestock.
As a 'grown up' I now know how perverted and sick that sounds, but I am of course talking about everyone's favourite delivery guy, closely followed second by Amazon Prime, Mr Santa Claus.
Look at any Christmas card, or festive decoration that displays good old saint Nick and you'll see he proudly sports his snowy white festive beard, a man who can be clearly trusted to whizz around at a thousand MPH in order to deliver all the world's Christmas presents in one night. So, try to beat that UPS! (You know, those ones who dislike beards! pssshhh!)
I love me some chicken. It's possibly my most favourite meat there is, fried up with some fries and a nice fizzy pop (or as you guys prefer to call it, a Soda!) you would struggle to tempt me with anything other.
One of the most world famous spots to pick up some good fried chicken is, of course, KFC.
KFC has that happy smiley chappy on the side of their bargain buckets who could make the most miserablest of folks crack a cheeky smile, the Colonel himself, Mr 'KFC' Colonel Sanders.
Now, I did mention this chap around a year ago in a previous blog post of which we discussed some of the most famous beards in history, and it didn't go down all too well with some of our readers who believed his moustache and lined beard did not warrant enough fuzz to be granted the title of a 'beard'.
But when a guy creates something as mouthwateringly tasty and spectacular as KFC he certainly deserves a mention in my book.
That sees todays beard blog come to a close my friends. As always please let us have your thoughts, comments and feedback in the comments section you'll find provided below.
And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...
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