Happy Monday everybody! Well, not so much for the most, as Monday's usually signify the start of yet another busy week for many of us. But it doesn't have to be all bad, as Monday's also mean it is the very start of new week of fresh and exciting blog content here at 'The Beard Struggle' (*HOOOORAY!*)
Today let's discuss a few handy yet simple tricks you can follow that if done correctly will further promote an optimal beard game to make your any of peers real jealous. So, let us begin with 4 Top Tips To Better Your Beard Game...

It a little known fact that if you eat clean(ish) your facial hair will also grow from the natural goodness that can be sourced within the right kind of foods.
Choose to chow down on foods that are rich in vitamin B6, B12 and Biotin. Biotin can be naturally discovered in fish, poultry, nuts, eggs, oatmeal wheat and brown rice to name a few. You can also purchase Biotin supplements in tablet form and to take each morning before your day begins. I have recommended this to many of my fellow Brothers with many reporting back that they do work great over time.
Possibly one of my least favourite things to do is exercise, and I have a funny feeling I am not alone when I say that.
Call me oversized and lazy, but trying to squeeze enough hours into a day to take time out to visit my local gym can at times prove impossible, even more so now that I do not have a membership with the gym anymore, but the less said about that the better.
Swiftly moving on, exercise is known to boost testosterone levels produced within your body, and testosterone triggers your facial hair to grow. So a little working out every now and again will not only keep your body in great shape, but will also encourage stronger hair growth boosting your metabolism, which can also repair damaged hair as well. Pretty neat, right?
Now that you have gone all out in order to grow a little face fluff of your own it is just as important to take jolly good care of it! But where does one begin? I hear you all mentally ask through the power of the interwebs. It is rather simple really, find a well balanced premium quality beard oil and / or balm, (much like ours!) and use it as part of your daily routine.
Doing so will provide your face whiskers with everything it needs to stay strong, grow long and remain healthy. Still not convinced? Then why not take a little looksy over our loyal customer feedback forms and see what our Brothers have to say about the results they gained from trusting us.
We believe in our range so much that we feel once you have entrusted your facial hair in our care we promise to provide you with a premium tried and trusted product to look after your facial growth as as if it were our own. So what are you waiting for? Visit our exclusive online store for more info!
More often than not you mention the word 'trim' or 'cut' to a beardsmen and he will run for the hills faster than Forrest Gump did.
But having a beard trim doesn't have to spell the end, in fact taking the time to trim your face forest every few months or so can be highly beneficial to its survival.
Having a light trim will remove any dead splitting ends that might be hiding away in there, whilst promoting your facial hair to grow fuller and thicker. A smartly kept beard looks great when shaped right, so look at a fresh cut as a much needed makeover for your face fuzz rather than the end of a furry era.
So, that sees Monday's beard blog come to a close for today my furriends. As always please take a few moments aside to punch us a cheeky comment or two in the comments section you'll find below.
And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...