No-Shave November - Before and After

No-Shave November - Before and After 

If you are reading this article, you or someone you know is participating in No-Shave November. We all are doing it for different reasons. Whether it is to show awareness, or simply as an excuse to not shave for a few days and get away with it. Did that once and liked it. now my beard is massive. Either way lets Share some Bearded support with the why, how, and the Beard-fore & After-Beard.

One Simple Rule: DON'T SHAVE

No-Shave November Origin

No-Shave November Non-Profit Organization

Back in 2009, No-Shave November began as a Facebook campaign to raise awareness and money for cancer research and charities. It was created by the Chicago-based Hill family after their father Matthew Hill died of colon cancer in 2007.

The concept is simple, grow out your beard as an appreciation that you still have hair; as cancer patients usually do not have hair.

For those new to beard growing, understanding the beard growth stages can help you set realistic expectations during your No-Shave November journey.

No-Shave November Rules


The rules of No-Shave November are simple, put down your razor for 30 days. Now, first things first, if you are midway through the No-Shave November, likely you are experiencing the dreaded Beard Itch. And if you are not doing like me and applying oils and balms you have already or are about to consider shaving. That is because those little whiskers need some softening. Swing by The Beard Struggle shop and pick you up some of that beard oil and thank me later. You can pay the extra money to get it to you sooner (Express Shipping).

If you're dealing with particularly unruly growth during No-Shave November, our beard brush straightener can help tame those wild hairs without compromising your commitment to not shaving.

Before and After

 Before and After

Okay, obviously, this is a few No-Shave Novembers that have come and gone. Still, if you are like me, you might want to check out your progress. Feel free to snap a picture of you before you stopped shaving/ trimming/ cutting your beard and join the many men like you who have taken the same challenge.

After completing No-Shave November, you might be wondering which style to maintain. Our article on 4 beard styles that every man should try once in their life offers great inspiration for your newly grown facial hair.

For those who decide to keep their beards after November, our beard kits provide everything you need to maintain your facial hair in top condition and make the transition from challenge participant to dedicated beard enthusiast.


Have more questions? We would love to hear from you. Call us at +1 (800) 413-2936, Message us on Facebook Messenger at or just email us at Hope you enjoyed the article. Follow, like or comment us on InstagramTwitter, and Facebook. Until next time, Beard on, Beard Strugglers.