Beard Blog
You may have noticed that not every ginger bearded fellow has the ginger hair to match. In fact most red beards are owned by brown or even black haired men. It's become somewhat of a mystery as to why many...
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With November coming to a close it's a sad time for the bearded community as this means the end of 'No Shave November'. Smartly titled 'Novembeard!'But the start of December doesn't have to become a beard massacre! Chances are you've...
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The media often like to slander and poke fun, yet false reasons as to why we shouldn't grow out our facial fluff. Well, how about a short list as to why we should? This list was by no means easy...
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Each year many bearded gents (and some beard admiring females) from around America gather to compete in the country's largest beard recognition event, The National Beard And Moustache Championships. Categories from 'Best sideburns of the show' to 'Best natural full...
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So, we've all seen the horrifying headlines. ''STUDIES REVEAL BEARDS CONTAIN MORE POOP THAN TOILETS!'' You've probably had a friend or family member poke fun at your facial forest whilst shoving such articles under your nose to read. Whilst the...
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