If you sport some form of facial hair yourself you are probably asked some rather random questions by the beardless folk you meet. It is not uncommon to get asked rather ludicrous questions at family gatherings, with your mates down the pub (how terribly British of me!) and many other awkward social meeting you might attend.
Today I wanted to hand select my favourites and share them with the group in order to raise a cheery chuckle or two in the process. So here's 4 Itching Beard Questions, Answered By A Bearded Man...

Yes, it is true that on occasions you might find my furry face acts as the perfect catcher for any loose bits of food that might fall from my fork or fingers (usually my fingers if I'm completely honest.)
Whist every measure is met in order to not have any overspills hanging from my fuzzy cheeks, sometimes it's just impossible. The key is to come well prepared and carry a napkin or two handy in your pocket. Those wet wipes you get for your little ones work a real charm too.
Nope. Nope and nope. The most adventurous I've ever gotten with my face forest would be when my daughters decide to give me a 'Daddy a makeover' which often resorts in me wearing glittery eyeshadow and bright pink lipstick, not out of choice I may add. And usually a handful of butterfly hair bobbles and clips within my beard.
Just because I don't accesories one's face fluff doesn't mean that you can't or that you shouldn't. There are numerous companies that produce a whole host of Viking style beard charms and beads. I guess for the right beard they might look great. maybe I guess?
Firstly, that 'thing' you are referring to is anything but a 'thing'. but a face full of awesome whiskers.
And yes, when you first start to grow out your facial hair and hit a couple of days worth of stubble most men usually hit the dreaded itching phase. Thankfully this is usually short lived and doesn't last too long at all. Maybe just over a week at a push.
Then once your face fuzz begins to take shape and settle in you never need worry about that horrible itch ever returning again, as long as you take good care of those face whiskers.
NOPE. NEVER. NOT IN A MILLION YEARS! will be the response that most beardsmen would say that you might ask.
For me anyway, I would never even dream of taking any form of trimming device to my face ever again. it isn't just facial hair, it's a huge part of my image, almost an extension to my personality. I don't expect anyone who hasn't had a beard to understand this, but for those of you who have you probably get exactly what I mean.
Well, that sees another 'TBS' blog come to a sweet close for today my friends. I sure hope you enjoyed the read, and urge you to share amongst your buddies on social media if you did! Why not take a few moments to leave us a little something in the comments section provided below?
And until next time, Beard on Brothers, Beard on...
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